Partners & funding bodies
Vienna Institute of Demography at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OEAW-VID)

OEAW-VID is one of 20 research institutes within the Austrian Academy of Sciences and collaborating partner in the Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital. During recent years, comparative European research at the VID has focused on population dynamics and forecasts, fertility trends in Europe, family-related decision-making and international migration. Another strength of the VID is the field of population economics. Several research projects have been conducted about the effect of population and individual ageing on the economy as well as on the generation and use of National Transfer Accounts. AWA research at VID is funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz
Bernhard Hammer
Sonja Spitzer
Ecole d’Economie de Paris (PSE)

The Paris School of Economics (PSE) is a French research institute of international standing in economics, at the forefront in many different economic domains. The foundation currently includes more than 200 faculty and staff members and 500 Master/PhD students. The School is engaged in the elaboration of sophisticated tools of economic analysis and their application to policy at both the public and private level. AWA research at PSE is funded by the French National Research Agency.
Andrew Clark
Hippolyte D’Albis
Angela Greulich
Claudia Senik
Elena Stancanelli
Department of Methods and Models for Economics, Territory and Finance at Sapienza University of Rome (MEMOTEF)

MEMOTEF was formed in 2010 and has substantial experience in interdisciplinary research through qualitative and quantitative methodologies, including socio-economic impact assessment, data mining and modelling, statistical surveying, GIS-based analysis and spatial statistics, policy analysis and evaluation. Currently, it promotes and coordinates research activities on different topics, such as statistical modelling and theory, statistical and computational economics, finance, methods for social research, population and policy analysis. AWA research is funded by the Italian Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research.
Alessandra De Rose
Marina Zannella
Joint Programming Inititative More Years, Better Lives (JPI – MYBL)

The AWA project is a joint project of three research institutions within the Joint Programming Inititative More Years, Better Lives (JPI MYBL). JPI-MYBL seeks to enhance the coordination and cooperation between European and national research programmes related to demographic change. JPI-MYBL is supportet by J-Age II, which is funded by Horizon 2020, the EU framework programme for research and innovation, under grant agreement 643850.