Policy Brief: The Rush Hour of Life – Age and Gender Inequalities in Work and Leisure Time (download)
Policy Brief: Fertility and territorial well-being in Italy – How is fertility related to social, economic and environmental quality? (download)
Policy Brief: Inequalities in living standards across ages in France (download)
Journal Articles
Zannella, M., Sambt J., Hammer, B., Prskawetz, A. (2019). “A quantitative assessment of the rush hour of life in Austria. Italy and Slovenia”. European Journal of Population 35(4), p. 751-776. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10680-018-9502-4
Zannella, M. (2019). “L’ora di punta della vita: la conciliazione lavoro-famiglia vista attraverso i dati sull’uso del tempo”. STATISTICA & SOCIETA’, anno VIII n 1/2019. http://www.rivista.sis-statistica.org/cms/?p=707
Zannella, M. (FORTHCOMING). “European National Transfer Accounts: un nuovo database per l’analisi demografica dei comportamenti economici e dei trasferimenti intergenerazionali”. STATISTICA & SOCIETA’
Apouey, B., Rapp. T. and Senik, C. (2018). “The impact of institution use on the wellbeing of Alzheimer’s disease patients and their caregivers”, Social Science & Medicine, 207, 1-10.
d’Albis, H. & Badji,I.. (FORTHCOMING). “Intergenerational inequalities in mortality-adjusted disposable income”, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research
Spitzer, S. and Weber, D. (2019). “Reporting biases in self-assessed physical and cognitive health status of older Europeans”, PLoS ONE 14(10): e0223526. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0223526
Working Papers
Bratsberg, B. and Stancanelli, E. (2018). “Asymmetries in leisure complementarities of older spouses: learning from a partial retirement reform in Norway”, Oslo Frisch Center.
Hammer H.; Spitzer S.; Vargha L. and Istenič T. (2019). “The Gender Dimension of Intergenerational Transfers in Europe”. VID Working Paper 07/2019.
Spitzer, S. and Weber D. (2019). “Who is telling the truth? Biases in self-reported physical and cognitive health status of older Europeans”, IIASA Working Paper WP-19-002.
Spitzer, S.; Greulich, A. and Hammer, B. (2018): The subjective cost of young children: A European comparison. VID Working Paper 12/2018.
Other Publications
Clark, A.E. (2019): Born To Be Mild? Cohort Effects Don’t Explain Why Well-Being is U-Shaped in Age. In M. Rojas (Ed.), The Economics of Happiness: How the Easterlin Paradox Transformed our Understanding of Well-being and Progress. New York: Springer.